| Alexander Atticus Trick was born May 20, 2004 at 4:07PM, weighing 6
lb, 11 oz, and measuring 19.5" in length. Here are few pictures along
the way!
And some short videos
Alexander is shaping up to be a well traveled guy! Here are his
trips so far
- 2004
- May: birth
- July: Las Vegas, Nevada
- August: Woodstock, Vermont
- September: Winnipeg, Manitoba
- October: Kaldenkirchen, Germany
- December: Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Total: 16,094 miles (direct, great circle distances)
- 2005
- January: Antigua
- February: Kaldenkirchen, Germany
- April: Winnipeg, Manitoba
- July: Kauai and Oahu, Hawaii
- August: Winnipeg, Manitoba
- September: Stuttgart and Kaldenkirchen, Germany
- September: Barcelona, Spain
- November: Washington, DC
- November: Toronto, Ontario
- December: Kaldenkirchen, Germany
- Total: 51,386 miles
- 2006
- January: Winnipeg, Manitoba
- March: Lexington, Kentucky
- April: Kaldenkirchen, Germany and Siena, Verona, and Feltre,
- June: Winnipeg, Manitoba
- July: Reykjavik, Iceland
- October: Washington, DC
- December: Winnipeg, Manitoba