Now that INFORMS 2005 New Orleans/San Francisco is over, it is the Pittsburgh crowd’s turn to put together INFORMS 2006. We are well on the way planning, with a list of tutorials and invited sessions that I think will be very good.
The theme of the conference in OR Renaissance, and we hope to highlight some of the exciting new directions and applications for OR/MS. We’ll have some new things in store for 2006 including
1) A new Tuesday reception, planned for PNC Park, the site of the 2006 MLB All-Star game.
2) “Renaissance Sessions”, highlighting the best of where OR will be in 5 years.
3) Plans for a revamped awards ceremony.
The Monday General Reception will be at the wonderful Carnegie Museums: the Museum of Art and the Museum of Natural History (they are connected).
The conference will be November 5-8, 2006. If you have some thoughts on how INFORMS conferences could be made better, I’d love to hear them. Comment here or mail to me.
omg, you are a leader of O.R., admire~
an OR fans in CMU
Even if OR is full of math, there may still exist some conflicting issues. Maybe listening to a debate during meeting will be wonderful
I have two sugestions:
1: Recently I read a post in google mailing list about OR conference. People have good comments on the INFORMS annual meeting especially those practical people. After reading your post commenting Eloan case, I suddently hope there are sessions where companies can raise their questions from their daily operation, and professors and students can give them suggestions realtime. Even more INFORMS may hold the symposium where it provides opportunity to let business people talk to the right person about applying OR model in their business privately. Hopefully, OR can not only be used for the large company also small business. I really like to see how OR changes business like “Math will Rock Your World”
One benefit of this session is that it provides real chances for the OR people standing up to help the world.
Another benfit is that if there is new and great start up companies come out like this way, it will attact public attention. They will think OR people matters. Maybe in the future OR people can kick MBA out of the market. 🙂
2: Can you let INFORMS publish presentation files of each topic? These files may be more valuable than journal paper coz it provides the latest information about what people doing now.
Regarding the above:
1) I think there will be such sessions, but the Practice conference in the spring is designed for this sort of interaction, both in the presentations and in the informal interactions.
2) I don’t know what you mean by “publish” presentation files. We had a process where people would provide URLs for their talks and we then had a database of those, but it was very, very rarely used. People seem to be much happier just providing the URL in their talk to interested people rather than hassling with a central database. I agree it would be great to have a better system for people to get the presentations.