With more than 2500 registrants so far, it looks like the INFORMS Pittsburgh Meeting will be a very big one. But touring Pittsburgh does not seem to be high on people’s list. If you or a guest are attending the conference and want to go on one of the guest tours, be sure to sign up now! If we don’t get critical mass, we won’t be able to offer the tours. Don’t let the treasures of Pittsburgh go undiscovered!
Also, if you are a High School teacher who wants to learn more about operations research and can get to Pittsburgh, check out the High School Teachers Workshop which is really an outstanding day!
hi Michael,
I have already paied the conference registration fee without picking the tour. If I want to make up the registration for tour, what shall I do? Can you give some clues?
Just contact meetings@informs.org or call 401-722-2595 ext 200 and they can get you set.