Michel Balinski has provided the references related to his IFORS Distinguished Lecture in Washington. I have included them in the original post. He also is encouraging people to try out the system themselves (he did this for INFORMS conference, but this is a more global experiment). Here is the invitation:
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
This message is to invite you to participate in an electoral experiment.
Rida Laraki and I, members of the Ecole Polytechnique
and the CNRS, wish to test our new method of voting, “the majority
judgement,” in the context of the US presidential election.A program has been developed by which anyone can vote via the net. We
guarantee that the votes cast are completely anonymous.Please participate yourselves and encourage all those whom you can
contact via the web, wherever they may be, to participate as well.To participate simply enter into the following site:
Electoral Experiment : U.S. Elections 2008
<http://georgina.soluscience.fr:10000/XVote/index.php?sid=56263&lang=en>Thank you for your help. Best wishes,
Cher(e)s ami(e)s et collègues
Rida Laraki et moi, membres du CNRS et de l’École
Polytechnique, expérimentons notre nouvelle méthode de vote, le jugement
majoritaire, dans le cadre des élections américaines.Nous avons développé, avec l’aide de la direction de la recherche et de
l’innovation de l’École Polytechnique, un logiciel qui permet de voter d’une
manière très sécurisé via internet. Il est assuré que les votes sont
secrets.Nous serions très heureux si vous pouviez y participer vous même à cet
expérience scientifique et si vous pouviez diffuser ce message autour de
vous, partout dans le monde.Pour participer, il vous suffit de renter sur le site web suivant:
Electoral Experiment : U.S. Elections 2008
Michel Balinski
Give it a try!