I recently had an exchange on twitter on why the OR community is not more effective on using twitter, facebook, and so on to get the story out. People like Laura McLay, Aurelie Thiele, and many others listed on the sidebar do have blogs and many of us twitter and facebook away, but we are a pretty small group. As I replied in Twitter, “We have lots of stories, but not enough storytellers”.
If you are a student (or recent graduate) have wanted to do some writing about operations research, INFORMS is ready to give you a chance, and will even provide some walking around funds. From an email making the rounds:
Writer for the INFORMS Annual Meeting Daily E-News: October 11-14, 2009.
INFORMS seeks 3 OR/MS students or graduates to cover on-site the sessions, events, and breaking news during the 2009 INFORMS Annual Meeting to be held in San Diego, CA, October 11-14, 2009. The writer is expected to produce content for a daily electronic newsletter throughout the duration of the 4-day meeting. The writer may have experience regularly publishing news articles in professional or collegiate news outlets or equivalent experience.
– Current or recent enrollment in a college-level OR/MS program and/or equivalent experience is required
– Must be proficient with Microsoft Office (Word and Excel)
– Laptop with wireless capabilities is required
– Experience with digital photography and ownership of a digital camera is required
– Must be able to attend the conference all 4 daysINFORMS will provide a daily stipend of $100 and reimbursement for local transportation/parking cost if necessary. Please forward a resume and two writing samples (approximately 500 words each) to Ms. Mary Leszczynski, Managing Editor, mary.leszczynski@informs.org. For more information on the meeting, please visit: http://meetings.informs.org/SanDiego09/.