Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Annual Meeting 2010
Austin, Texas
November 7-10, 2010
Mike Trick's Operations Research Blog
Thoughts on the world of operations research
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Annual Meeting 2010
Austin, Texas
November 7-10, 2010
Constraint programming 2010
St. Andrews, Scotland
September 6-10, 2010
Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling
Belfast, Northern Ireland
August 10-13, 2010
Schloss Dagstuhl
March 7, 2010 – March 12, 2010
ACM has announced its 2009 class, consisting of 47 new fellows. Two of the fellows (at least!) have overlaps with operations research.
Andrew V. Goldberg of Microsoft Research was recognized “For contributions to fundamental theoretical and practical problems in the design and analysis of algorithms”. Goldberg has a very nice set of codes for network optimization that is used quite a bit in the world of operations research.
David Karger of MIT was recognized “For efficient algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems based on randomization”. Two of his papers in this topic appeared in Mathematics of Operations Research, and randomized rounding is one of the really nice ideas that have come out of approximation algorithms over the past years.
Congratulations to Andrew, David and the rest of the new ACM Fellows!
INFORMS has a new website and it looks great. I was the founding editor of INFORMS Online way back in 1995, building off some preliminary work done by Jim Bean and ManMohan Sodhi. Over the years, IOL changed quite a bit but I could still see lots of the original work my original editorial team had done. With this new site, INFORMS has revamped everything from scratch (well, not quite from scratch: I still see a bit of previous work in places like the membership directory, though that may change, and things like the Resources Page have only undergone a facelift, not a revamp). I’m still exploring the nooks and crannies, but my initial impression is that this is a much better face for the organization and for our field.
They are still in the process of doing the changeover, so some things are not working right (see their blog entry for more information), but overall it is a huge improvement over the previous website.
The wikipedia article on operations research needs help. Let’s see how it begins (as of today: it might change any moment now, given the way wikipedia works):
Operations research (N America) or Operational research (UK/Europe) “is a scientific method of providing executive departments with a quantitative basis for decisions regarding the operations under their control.”[1] Other names for it include:
“The historical development of Operational Research (OR) is traditionally seen as the succession of several phases: the “heroic times” of the Second World War, the “Golden Age” between the fifties and the sixties during which major theoretical achievements were accompanied by a widespread diffusion of OR techniques in private and public organisations, a “crisis” followed by a “decline” starting with the late sixties, a phase during which OR groups in firms progressively disappeared while academia became less and less concerned with the applicability of the techniques developed.”[4]. In the current phase, the increase in computing power coupled with the birth of related techniques like business intelligence (BI) and business analytics are leading a resurgence of OR.[5]
Oh great, we get a 1947 definition of operations research, as quoted on a 1954 dustcover. It is synonymous with “Quantitative Management” based on a single South African department brochure. It’s main interest is historical, though it might be resurging. By the way, it is the Canadian Operational Research Society and the Mexican Institute of Systems and Operational Research, so even the statement on where the various terms are used is incorrect. And “UK/Europe”? Wikipedia suggests there is a certain redundancy there.
After that, it is 2/3 history and 1/3 lists. This is not the way to introduce people to our field!
I have fought this fight before, and lost. So I do things like the INFORMS Resources Page (for at least a bit longer), this blog with its lists of other OR blogs, my twitter account, OR-Exchange (for questions and answers, and maybe announcements in OR), and other things to make the successes of our field better known (and maybe show an illustrative failure or two). I’m not willing to add wikipedia to my list.
Fortunately, others are willing to do so. Siamak Faridani posted a question on OR-Exchange asking how to improve the wikipedia article.
OR articles on Wikipedia obviously need some attention.
My question is how can we join forces to improve these articles?
I have made a project page on Wikipedia there is a “To do list” on that page in which you can insert the articles that need attention and request new articles. If you would like to help in edits you can also add your user name to the list of contributors and we will ask for your inputs as we work on articles.
Even if you do not like to edit Wikipedia articles please consider helping with populating the to do list and I will try to work on those articles as much as possible
By its nature, the wikipedia article cannot be the responsibility of one person. If you are looking for ways to help the field, I highly recommend (for you, not for me!) spending some time improving the articles on operations research and related topics, either on your own or in conjunction with Siamak.
I gave a talk at DIMACS on the importance of DIMACS Challenges. In short, we need the Challenges because it is important for the advancement of the field of computational optimization. You are welcome to see the slides here.
Be sure to check out Tallys Yunes’ post on getting rich in Facebook’s Farmville via linear programming (following up on Mark Newheiser’s post). I think I’ll add this to the introductory course we teach our MBAs. Now if only we could cut down on the lonely animals from other’s farms that hang out in my Facebook feed.