I’m putting together a track at the upcoming 10th Metaheuristics International Conference. The conference will be held August 5-8, 2013 in Singapore. The conference website is http://www2.sis.smu.edu.sg/mic2013/
The topic of the Track is Metaheuristics and Optimization/Constraint Programming. There has been a lot of work recently on combining metaheuristics with exact methods. I think it is a very exciting area: faster optimization codes and speedier computers make it easier to use optimization or constraint programming as part of a metaheuristic approach to problems.
If you have some work that you would like to present at the conference, I encourage you to submit that work to the track. Submissions can be in the form of 10 page full papers or 3 page extended abstracts. All submissions are thoroughly reviewed. More information on submission is at the general Call for Papers: http://www2.sis.smu.edu.sg/mic2013/call_for_papers.htm
You will submit your paper through ConfTool at https://www.conftool.net/mic2013/ Note that you will have the opportunity to select the track “Special Session on Meta-Heuristics and Constraint Programming” (or similar: the track is not limited to CP).
The submission deadline is February 28. Please let me know if you have any questions.
I am working on a submission for MIC 2013. It’s on an agent-based matheuristic approach, using both metaheuristics & MIP, but no CP. Is the use of constraint programming a must for being in scope with this session?
I see this more as metaheuristics combined with exact methods. So the paper should work. But if it appears out of scope for any reason, it will be considered with the general non-track submissions. So get it in!