Conference Listing Software

One of the things I did with INFORMS Online was put in a system for conference listings.  The system began with some commercial software but I ended up modifying it so much that it is almost unrecognizable.  The system has been very successful (a few hundred OR/MS conferences get added every year, and the upkeep is relatively low).  But the system is buggy (people “losing” their conferences is the most common problem) and I cannot keep reminding myself on how it works in order to debug it.  Further, there are some things we would like (RSS feeds and ical compatibility) that this cannot do.

So I would like a new system.  There is an add on for word-press blogs (like this one) that allows event entry, but it is pretty darn clunky.  I am now experimenting with it on this page (see the right hand column), but I am not crazy about it.  Has anyone seen systems like the one at INFORMS that they like and (even better) have experience with?

One thought on “Conference Listing Software”

  1. I tried to play with

    It is good but I did not find any iCal export. There is link to other softwares on their site.

    A google calendar may be the solution (but you would like to have both deadlines and conference dates)

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