I’ll be guest blogging at the INFORMS Conference in San Diego, so I’ll be posting over there for the next few days. There are 12 guest bloggers, so the conference should get some pretty good coverage. I’ve got a news feed on my main page sidebar trying to track the blog, twitter feed, hash tags, and so on.
I have put in my first post on the extra preconference steps needed on the social network side:
When I started attending INFORMS (actually ORSA/TIMS) meetings in the 80’s, the preconference steps were clear: pack, find the (paper) airline tickets, print out my talk onto transparencies, go to conference, wander around wondering what was going on. There are few extra steps now:
- Follow @informs09 on twitter
- Check out the #informs09 tag on twitter, and remember to use it on own posts.
- Sign up for the daily e-news to stay up to date on conference news and activities.
- Subscribe to the INFORMS 09 blog (or remember to check back a lot!) to follow the official news and the twelve (!) guest bloggers.
- Join the Conference Linkedin Group (122 members and counting).
- Pack
- Find memory stick with talk
- Print out boarding passes
- Go to sunny San Diego
The extra steps are worth it. No more wandering around wondering what is happening! See you soon!