INFORMS Conferences and Reading the Tags

It is time again for the highlight of the operations research calendar: the INFORMS Annual meeting.  As always, I will be blogging at the INFORMS site, with a copy here.  But really: check out the INFORMS blogging site.  Lots of bloggers and lots of activity.

Here is my first entry this year:

The INFORMS 2013 conference is ready to start.  I think I was the second registrant to check in, since the doctoral colloquium is starting early tomorrow.

As you look at people’s name badges, you may be struck by the tags associated with them.  For instance, I ended up with seven tags in my registration envelope, which I think is the largest number of tags I have gotten since I was on the board.  Those tags identify participants by some of the special things they are doing at the conference.

informs2013 tagsGoing down though my tags, they run as follows:

  1. Colloquium.  I am speaking at the student colloquium about how to handle the service issues in the profession.  For instance, if you do too much service, you might end up with seven tags in your registration envelope.
  2. Coffee with a Member.  This is a great program that matches up first-time attendees with more seasoned people.  After 4PM, this turns out to be “Beer with a Member”.
  3. I’m going Green.  I chose not to get a printed program (which weighs about 2 pounds).  I am using a really cool app instead.
  4. I tweet @informs2013.  I don’t always tweet, but when I do, I tweet @informs2013.  Like all the cool kids
  5. Blogger.  Like, this thing.
  6. 25+ Year Member.  I’m old…
  7. Fellow.  … who did a few things in order to get that nice yellow tag (which I am unironically proud of).

The most important thing to know about those tags is the following

If you see someone with three or more tags, you can ask them anything.

Anyone with multiple tags is truly (and unironically) part of the community.  So if you are lost, or confused, or just looking for someone to talk to, grab someone with multiple tags.  They are committed to INFORMS.  If you have a question, they will find someone who will have the answer.  If you are lost, they will work to get you found.  And if you don’t have someone else to talk to, they will be happy to talk to you (ask them about their tags).  They will talk about INFORMS and the field so much that you will likely need to find another three-tag member for rescue.  Because they believe in the field and in INFORMS.   And they want you to have a successful conference.

As for seven-tag members, approach them with caution.  They are so into the organization that you might end up on a committee!

I am looking forward to the conference, and hope to make a few more friends in the next few days.


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