Last year, we had a brief discussion on the value of the INFORMS Resources page. Since then, things have simply got worse. Spammers overwhelm the system, keeping things updated is horrendously difficult, and it is unclear if more than a handful of people are interested in it. As I write on the page:
As announced last year, it is unclear whether this resource page will continue. On one hand I started this back in 1994, so it is sad to see it go after 15 years. On the other hand, the internet has changed a lot since then. There was no Google back then, so simply finding stuff was hard to do. Now, it seems that the age of “hand edited” links is at an end (if it wasn’t so five years ago). Keeping these pages up to date is ferociously difficult. And the spammers are unrelenting (and I don’t have the heart to change software again to combat them). So, there is every possibility that these pages will go away on April 15, 2009. The only thing that can stop this is finding someone to take over the administration of this area with energy and enthusiasm to do something new. If you are interest contact me (Michael Trick) at And, if you believe in the site, it would be useful to be sure your site is here and is accurate. Even if it is only in place for a few months, it would be useful to have! Further discussion of this on my blog.
If you have submitted a site recently and it is has neither appeared nor have you received an explanation, please resubmit: we had some problems with the system that have now been corrected. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Anyone interested in taking this on? Or think they can convince me this is a great use of my time?